Books for Pet Parents
Many of our library staff members are dog moms or cat dads. Some have both! There are often discussions about all the weird/frustrating/goofy shenanigans that our pets get up to, often involving articles of clothing or furniture. Luckily, the library has a great collection of books that can help decipher the language of our pets, how to properly care for them, and interesting facts about our fur babies. Here are some great options if you would also like to understand why your pet ate your new cashmere sweater!
Canine Confidential
By Marc Bekoff
What Cats Want
by Dr. Yuki Hattori
Do Dogs Dream? Nearly Everything Your Dog Wants You to Know
By Stanley Coren
Decoding Your Cat
By Megan E. Herron
How Stella Learned to Talk
By Christina Hunger