Email Crystal Ilczyna

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Email Mathew Reisler

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Email Cindy Buhne

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Email Leah Perron

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Email Crystal Bergstrome

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Tool Library

Tool Category?

  • Tool name and use, available time period for loan, etc.
  • Tool name and use, available time period for loan, etc.
  • Tool name and use, available time period for loan, etc.
  • Tool name and use, available time period for loan, etc.
  • Tool name and use, available time period for loan, etc.
  • Tool name and use, available time period for loan, etc.
  • Tool name and use, available time period for loan, etc.

Tool Category?

  • Tool name and use, available time period for loan, etc.
  • Tool name and use, available time period for loan, etc.
  • Tool name and use, available time period for loan, etc.
  • Tool name and use, available time period for loan, etc.
  • Tool name and use, available time period for loan, etc.
  • Tool name and use, available time period for loan, etc.
  • Tool name and use, available time period for loan, etc.




Where is the library?

The Bracebridge Library is located in the Muskoka Lumber Community Centre at 34 Salmon Avenue in Bracebridge, Ontario.

Does the library charge for overdue books?

As of March 2023, the Bracebridge Library eliminated overdue fines and became officially fine-free! 

Any outstanding overdue fines have been removed from all accounts, and the library will no longer be charging for late books. However, there are applicable charges for any lost or damaged library items.

How many items can I borrow at one time?

Patrons of all ages may check out a maximum of 25 at a time. For new material, patrons can check out up to 5 new books and 2 new DVDs.

What is the PIN number for my library card?

Your PIN number should be set to the last 4 digits of the telephone number you provided when you signed up for your Bracebridge Library card. If you need to reset your PIN number, please contact the Bracebridge Library by calling 705-645-4171.

Can I use the Internet at the library?

Of course! We have public access computers that you can access. Wi-Fi is also available with your Bracebridge Library card on your device while inside the library. If you are just visiting the area temporarily, guest passes are available at the Information Desk.

What do I do if I lose my library card?

If you have lost your Bracebridge Library card, please call the library so we can place a temporary hold on your account to prevent further borrowing. Afterwards, you can get a replacement card for $3 by visiting the library in person.

What do I do if you do not have the book I am looking for?

If we do not have the book you are looking for, we can try to bring it in through our Interlibrary Loan Service or you can make a suggestion to add it to our collection.

Can you help me choose what to read?

Absolutely! Giving recommendations on your next great read is one of our specialties. You can fill out the reader’s advisory form, visit us in person, or call us at 705-645-4171. We’re happy to help!